CICA lawyers recover £231,000 compensation for victim of abuse

Carly Sylvester, a member of our dedicated team of CICA lawyers recently represented a man (who we will refer to as ‘G’) in recovering compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (‘CICA’).

At the age of 8 years old, G had begun to experience sexual abuse from the hands of a youth worker, and his flat mate. This abuse included frequent touching under the clothes and oral sex. As a result of this ongoing abuse, G suffered severe mental health difficulties, which meant he was unable to report this abuse until adulthood.

Once G did report the abuse to the police, an investigation commenced. Ultimately both men were charged with offences against G and received a custodial sentence.

The negative impact on G’s mental health resulted in a very sporadic work history. He was unable to retain any long-term employment, and eventually he was declared unfit for paid work, ceasing any further attempts at gaining employment.

After reporting the perpetrators to the police, G reached out to our team of specialist CICA lawyers for help in making an application to the CICA. After a free initial consultation Carly confirmed that G was an eligible applicant under the criminal injuries scheme and she was happy to assist him in obtaining the maximum level of compensation he was entitled to on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We specialise in abuse claims and are highly experienced in dealing with these types of CICA claim. We understand that they can often be emotionally difficult but with Carly at his side G was able to pursue his claim

Arrangements were made to obtain a medical report from a court approved psychiatrist, who is familiar with the guidelines for the CICA scheme. This report helped to determine that G met the diagnostic criteria for a variety of mental health disorders as a direct result of the abuse suffered in his childhood.

Having obtained all the necessary legal and medical evidence to support G’s application, Carly put forward a compelling case to the CICA. This resulted in G being awarded compensation of £231,994.31.

Call our free CICA helpline on 0333 888 0446 to speak to a specialist criminal injury lawyer about making a No Win, No Fee claim, or send us an email.

CICA lawyers recover £231,000 compensation for victim of abuse