We look at whether it is worth appealing a CICA offer
Latest statistics suggest that appealing a CICA offer can have a significant impact on the compensation you receive.
Data gathered by APIL (the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers) has found that victims of violent crime who apply for compensation via the government’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme receive an average of SIX TIMES more compensation if they appeal their initial offers.
APIL found that of the 379 CICA cases that reached appeal in 2022/23, the average first offer from the CICA was just £7,848 but the average amount awarded by the appeal tribunal was over £47,000 more.
This comes as no surprise to our specialist team of criminal injury compensation lawyers. We regularly see offers from the CICA that are then dramatically increased on review or appeal. Our track record of success in helping victims appeal and review their initial awards includes the following cases:-
- KT – increase from initial offer of £11,000 to £44,755 on review
- SR – increase from initial offer of £16,500 to £181,236 on appeal
- SH – increase from initial offer of £2,000 to £79,171 on appeal
- AW – increase from initial offer of £16,500 to £174,622 on appeal
- SJ – increase from initial offer of £22,000 to £241,901 on review
CICA lawyer Elizabeth Duncan says:
“The data from APIL is no surprise at all based on our experience of assisting victims of crime with their applications. We consistently see vulnerable and traumatised people being “low-balled” by a government scheme that purports to help them, which is incredibly frustrating and upsetting. The CICA essentially tells applicants that they don’t need legal representation, yet seems to treat people unfairly depriving them of money that, while it cannot turn back the clock, could help them rebuild their lives after suffering the devastating consequences of crime.”
If you have made an application to the CICA and are unsure if your offer is fair, contact our team of compassionate specialist lawyers for a free case assessment and details of how we may be able to assist you on a No Win, No Fee basis.
Call our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to us at [email protected]