CICA appeal success

We successfully help a victim of violence with her CICA application

If you need the assistance of an expert lawyer with your CICA application then contact our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to us at [email protected]

Compensation claim specialist Elizabeth Duncan was contacted by a young woman who was having enormous struggles with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) Scheme and wanted help with her CICA application.

Our client, who we shall call X, had been sitting in her car when a man threatened her with a syringe that he said was infected with hepatitis to get her to hand over her bag and jewellery.

The man was caught and prosecuted. Although X thankfully did not suffered physical harm, she was incredibly traumatised by the incident, which had a catastrophic effect on her mental health.

From being a confident and outgoing young woman, she became gradually more withdrawn and fearful of leaving the house. She was able to work only because her parents could give her a job in their business working from home. Her social life vanished as she was unable to go out. She struggled to sleep and had intrusive memories of the attack.

X submitted her own application to the CICA, but it was rejected on the basis that they did not accept she had suffered a “disabling mental injury” as a result of a crime of violence. X therefore obtained a report from a psychologist who diagnosed her with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of the incident. But despite this helpful medical evidence, the CICA still refused her application, this time saying that they believed her PTSD was due to unrelated events. X therefore applied for the decision to be appealed to the First Tier Tribunal.

It was at this stage that she contacted Elizabeth for support with the appeal hearing. Elizabeth was able to assist her for a fixed fee. This included reviewing all the documents and preparing a detailed submission document to the Tribunal. This document  set out how the requirements of the Scheme were satisfied and made the case for compensation to be awarded. Elizabeth attended the Tribunal hearing with X and supported her through giving evidence about the impact of the event on her life and making submissions to the panel.

The appeal was successful. The Tribunal accepted X had suffered a disabling mental injury as a result of the incident and ordered the CICA to make an award of compensation to her.

X was incredibly relieved saying, “thank you so much for everything, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your help and your kindness.”

If you would like us to help with your CICA application then contact our free legal helpline by calling 0333 888 0446 or sending an email to [email protected]

CICA appeal success