CICA lawyer provides legal training to charities

If you need guidance on claiming criminal injuries compensation then contact CICA lawyer Liz Duncan. She will be happy to provide you with a free case assessment and can workmen a No Win, No Fee basis. Simply contact our legal helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to us at [email protected]

CICA lawyer Liz Duncan

CICA lawyer Liz Duncan provides free legal training to sexual and domestic abuse charities on the subject of Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) claims.

The CICA Scheme

The government’s CICA scheme compensates victims of violent crime in the UK. If the qualifying terms of the Scheme can be satisfied, the injured person will be paid compensation that is calculated according to a set “tariff” of injuries. Additional compensation can be awarded for lost earnings. Other “special” expenses may also be recovered.

Although the CICA Scheme is intended to be used by victims themselves, the rules are complex and some claimants do not recover all they are entitled to. The problem of under-settling CICA claims is particularly common in cases involving survivors of abuse. CICA lawyer Liz Duncan has dealt with numerous cases where people who have survived abuse have been left so traumatised that dealing with the legal process has been simply too much for them. Liz has therefore been providing free legal training to charities, teaching them how the CICA Scheme operates, so that they in turn can help survivors to recover the compensation they deserve.

Our track record of success

In some situations, claimants will benefit from having an experienced CICA lawyer dealing with their case. Liz and her team have been successful in having CICA awards increased after obtaining a review or submitting an appeal. Their successes include an initial award of £16,500 that was increased to over £174,000 after we became involved, and an award of £2,000 that rose to £79,171 following an appeal that we lodged.

How we can help

If you are involved in a charity that would benefit from legal training from CICA lawyer Liz Duncan, or if you are an individual looking for expert guidance on recovering compensation then contact our free legal helpline by calling 0333 888 0446 or sending an email to [email protected]

CICA lawyer provides legal training to charities